Technical Diving
With over a fifteen years of experience in technical diving and technical instruction, the MV Legends team ensures that, whether you use the boat for daily diving, a liveaboard, safari or private charter, it will be an experience like no other in Egypt.
We keep over 150,000 litres of technical diving gases ready for your needs
We have over 30 pairs of rebreather cylinders to suit all units
We provide rigged stage cylinders filled with technical standard gases for bailout and decompression stages. Take what you require for your bailout and decompression needs and you only pay for the gas that you use in the cylinder as well as a small pumping fee
Molecular Products 797 and Intersurgical Dive Lime 812 carbon dioxide absorbent.
Based in Hurghada, we are perfectly placed to explore a combination of Northern Wrecks and Reefs, and parts of the South including Brothers and Daedalus.
Technical Dive Guides Who Can Guide To 100m on both OC and CCR.
We are the only full size safari boat with a Diver Lift
Floating Decompression Trapeze for Mid-Water Deco
No “Depth” or “Time” Limit on dives